
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

This study will not only give you an appreciation for this popular and applicable book of the Bible, you’ll also begin to develop a daily habit of seeking wisdom from God’s Word.

Session Topics
1. Pursuing Wisdom
2. Receiving Wisdom from the Word
3. Growing in Wisdom Through Relationships
4. Walking in Wisdom Through Life

Begins November 20

Our hope for a gospel-centered, humble marriage begins and ends with Christ.

As you join your spouse and a small group of friends for this five-week study, you’ll explore topics including:
-Our Inability
-Other Eyes
-Coming Clean
-Taking the Lower Seat
-Jesus is the Center

This class is for new members and those interested in membership.

begins Novemer 6th

This Bible study aims to help readers deepen their relationship with God and discover their place in His Kingdom

begins January 8th

women's group led by rebecca cecil & debbie willman

men's group led by barry cecil & randy foster

in this 10-session women's study, jen wilkin helps you discover how Revelation speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

Begins january 13th

led by linda ashby

This study provides guidance on how to apply the gospel to motherhood helping moms navigate their everyday lives, find confidence, and experience freedom. 

begins january 19th

led by susan dugle & lindsey martin

The key themes of this study include the promise of the Holy Spirit as a comforter and guide, the importance of abiding in Christ to bear fruit, the command to love one another deeply, and the assurance that even though Jesus is leaving, he will be with them through the Spirit, preparing them to continue his work in the world despite facing persecution.

Begins january 8th

led by Brett & Lindsey martin

In this six-week study, we want to help you understand why the Bible is the greatest tool we have. We want to open your eyes to the way the Old Testament and New Testament connect and show you the purpose of each book of the Bible.  

begins january 8th

SONrise Discipleship
SONrise Discipleship

This is a women's study of Daniel and romans

Resumes january 7th

led by linda otterback

This is a men's study of PHILIPPIANS

Resumes january 7th

led by randy foster